Ricky Bearghost
Ricky Bearghost, Tomato hotpepper onion green cucumber yellow green blue pink gray weeds watermelon seeds, 2023, yarn, plastic pony beads, perler beads, alphabet beads, newspaper, dimensions variable, $350. Inquire
Ricky Bearghost, Red P orange peach green beans Red Pepper, 2023, paracord, yarn, leather, plastic pony beads, handmade clay beads, giant pipecleaner, spiral binding clippings, dimensions variable, $120. Inquire
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Ricky Bearghost, Pink rain purple dark lettuce pick green sweets, 2022-2024, yarn, toilet paper rolls, plastic pony beads, wooden beads, acrylic paint, dimensions variable, $$350. Inquire
Ricky Bearghost, Eggplant tomato cucumber onion hot ion lettuce green, 2011, yarn, dimensions variable, $400. Inquire
Ricky Bearghost, Pumpkin orange seed corn broom corn yellow, 2011, yarn, dimensions variable, $400. Inquire
Ricky Bearghost, Chair, 2023, yarn, chair. SOLD

Helen's Costume is a division of Costume International